The project philosophy
Educational actions were added to the priorities of NTEF to improve the efficiency of public investments for school buildings. The project is a continuation of educational initiatives implemented already by NTEF in partnership with UfU and supported by BMU.
After the success of pilot actions in 15 schools in Bulgaria, it is time to institutionalize a nationwide program fostering climate - energy friendly behavior in Bulgarian public schools.
The long-term result of the project will be the improved energy efficiency of school buildings and related reduction of GHG emissions, based on the changed behavior of teachers and students.
The climate – energy community in Bulgaria is growing with a solid group of university professors, school teachers and local authorities.
Project steps
Training of trainers in Berlin provided by UfU, and in Sofia – by NTEF
Development of draft educational materials by the Bulgarian team with assistance of UfU
Training for the teachers organized by NCQPS and delivered by the professors with input from UfU
Field work – implementation of the program by the teachers in schools under the supervision of the professors
During this phase – focus groups with local authorities and stakeholders
Workshops to share experience and the contribution of teachers to the materials
Teachers’ trainers incorporate the contribution of teachers
National conference to distribute the produced materials and launch the program on national level
Publicity – media events and website publications in the partner websites. (NTEF, UfU, NCQPS)
Project scope
School subjects
Subjects in School curricula: Preschool, Man and Nature and Man and Society in elementary School, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and Biology from 5th to 7th grade
140 teachers to be trained
40 schools and 10 kindergarten in at least ten municipalities implementing the program
2000 students involved in climate – energy action in schools